This is a special post just to review the Lone Wolf and Cub 6 part movie series that I watched in order in May. Now I have seen Shogun Assassin previously which was edited together from the first and second movies but bare little resemblance to the original movies. So for that reason I still counting these as first viewings because I actually understood tons more of what was going on in the first two films. Now all the movies do follow a formula of Okami being tracked by some new amazingly trained assassin and their clan being hired to kill Okami to little success but to much violence and a blood geyser or two. And then at the end of each movie he usually faces off against that clan usually being out number 30 or 40 to 1. Because of that the movies are kind of interchangeable but I enjoyed them all, part 6 features an upgraded cart that has been turned into the most badass sled ever. My favorite in order, part 1, part 4, part 6, part 5, part 2, part 3. This movie has gotten some press recently because it's been picked up for the recently successful Justin Lin to direct, and while I usually decry silly remakes that have to effort or imagination put into them I definitely see room for where a new Lone Wolf and Cub series could flourish with the original Manga it was based on lasting 28 volumes there is plenty of story that hasn't been covered by these movies that were already produced.
Trailer for Part 1-
133. Lone Wolf & Cub Part 6 - White Heaven in Hell (1974)

Rating: 7/10
132. Lone Wolf & Cub Part 5 -.Babycart in the Land of Demons (1973)

Rating: 7/10
131. Lone Wolf & Cub Part 4 - Babycart in Peril (1972)

Rating: 7.5/10
130. Lone Wolf & Cub Part 3 - Babycart to Hades (1972)

Rating: 6.5/10
129. Lone Wolf & Cub Part 2 - Babycart at the River Styx (1972)

Rating: 6.5/10
128. Lone Wolf & Cub Part 1 -.Sword.of.Vengeance (1972)

Rating: 7,5/10
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