Rating: 8/10
Review: This is easily the best Gérard Depardieumovie I've ever seen. I've read that this was compared to Clockwork Orange and I understand why because the two leads are both twenty something criminals on the prowl and looking to rape or steal anything they come across. but as you would expect they do have a few redeeming qualities to keep the audience interested, but they are mostly bad seeds.127. In The Realm of Senses (1976)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Controversial movie because of the depiction of the sexual relationship that makes up the core of the film. But once you get past the sexuality of the film I didn't really see anything else going on to keep my interest.126. The American Friend (1977)

Rating: 7.5/10
Review: Wim Wenders directing. Well done character study of a desperate man and an art dealer who befriends him. Good seeing Dennis Hopper in his prime.125. Klown The Movie (2010)

Rating: 7.5/10
Review: Extremely funny Swedish movie that is going to get the American remake in the near future, but this version is just fine for me. I thought this was a lot funnier than either Hangover.124. Ghosts of Mars (2001)

Rating: 5/10
Review: John Carpenter? Ugh. This is basically a poorly done remake of Assault Precinct 13 but has Ice Cube, Mars, and mutant half breeds that were obviously ad-libing a language as they shot. Yikes.123. Prince of Darkness (1987)

Rating: 5/10
Review: John Carpenter did this??? Oh god this movie is bad, watching it I was reminded that it could have been a choice for MST3K in it's hay day because they did quite a few of these terrible horror movies that had no budget. This poster for the japanese release is more interesting than the film.122. This Means War (2012)

Rating: 5/10
Review: Even with Tom Hardy this movie just lays there like a long expired fish.121. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Many times better than the first Ghost Rider but Cage is still here so it can only be so good. Neveldine/Taylor of Crank fame take the directing reins this time and produce only a slightly more coherent film than Crank. Idris Elba's character is never really properly introduced or explained to the audience and wastes his acting talents.120. Tiny Furniture (2010)

Rating: 6/10
Review: I've gotten into the HBO series Girls and this is movie that the creator/writer/director did before hand. To tell you the truth if I had seen this movie first I probably wouldn't have been interested in the series because this movie is incredibly boring. The series Girls is vast improvement over this film.119. Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)

Rating: 6/10
Review: I re-watched John Carpenter's The Fog recently and wanted to fill in some of the holes in my Carpenter filmography which was a let down. I tried watching Christine but couldn't even get halfway through the movie because it's so dumb. This movie reminds me of The Fog somewhat because we have a faceless violent hoard heading towards our helpless surviving characters. The title is incorrect because over the radio at the beginning of the movie the police officer is sent to Precinct 9, Division 13, kind of odd it was overlooked during the Additional Dialogue Replacement process on the film.118. Timecrimes (2007)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Clever time travel movie that I read is getting the American remake treatment but I really enjoy this movie because its so small an unassuming but achieves quite a bit in it's limited framework. Similar to Source Code in the broad strokes if you were just reading the summaries but both are unique on their own using similar concepts.117. Silent Running (1972)

Rating: 5/10
Review: Great concept that was exceedingly boring to watch, would not be against remaking this one.116. House of the Devil (2009)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Impressed with what was achieved on a small budget but I felt that introductory message that opens the movie tipped it's hand too much as to where the movie goes.115. John Carter (2012)

Rating: 7/10
Review: With all the bad press about how bad this movie did at the box office people forgot about the actual movie. The box office failure I put on the terrible promotion for the movie and not the quality of the movie because I enjoyed this quite a bit and it's a great adaption of the story.114. Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

Rating: 8.5/10
Review: Highly recommended. This is from the same director of the Anime film Paprika so I had to check it out. Really well conceived and executed story with great act structure. Don't really want to give away any more but it really surprised me with how good it was.113. A Very Harold And Kumar Christmas (2011)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Goes well with the other movies in the series but not something that could bring new fans to the series. Fun but completely disposable.112. Outland (1981)

Rating: 6.5/10
Review: It was about half way though the movie when I realized this was just High Noon in space. This movie is alright, standard space picture but nothing revelatory.111.The Muppets (2011)

Rating: 6/10
Review: I had been watching a lot of the original Muppet show recently so I was primed for this movie, and it feels pretty lifeless even though I like the people involved. Either way hopefully this will spark interest in another Muppet movie that is good is isn't the crap the Henson company had turned out in the past with Muppets in Space and Muppet Treasure Island.110. Pootie Tang (2001)

Rating: 4/10
Review: Being that I'm a big fan of Louis CK I had kind of persuaded myself that this movie didn't exist and that the Louis we think of now has always existed. Well in doing research Louis has disowned this movie because of how much was changed when it was taken away from him and very little of what he wanted made it to the final cut. Which is good to know because this movie is just as bad as the hype of the years has made it up to be. Black Dynamite succeed at every level this movie was trying to in terms of blaxsploitation parody.109. Red Tails (2012)
Rating: 6/10
Review: The two oscar winners and Ne-yo some of the biggest problems with the movie because of how badly they act on screen, they take away from the other actor's performances. Every time Ne-yo came on screen I would cringe because I knew I would be hearing that awful Louisiana accent he picked up in acting 101. The fighter pilot scenes are obviously the highlight of the film, so in one aspect this does work as an action movie but it should have been more than than considering the historical significance of this squadron.108. Mystery Team (2009)
Rating: 6.5/10
Review: Being a big fan of Donald Glover I had to check out this movie that he stars in and co-wrote, while it's a low budget affair they get the most out of the writing and i thought there was enough laughs spread throughout the movie to keep me watching.107. Chronicle (2012)
Rating: 7.5/10
Review: Even though the found footage genre is old hat by now there does come an interesting take on it everyone in awhile and this is definitely one that stands out above most of the found footage movies.
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