Rating: 6.5/10
Review: River Pheonix backlog. My only reason for watching this was to see River's last starring part and I don't feel like his talents were wasted here. But overall though River is the most compelling part of the movie even though he isn't the main character.158. Silent Tongue (1993)

Rating: 5.5/10
Review: River Pheonix backlog. This was a waste of the talent involved. Skip this.157. Guilty of Romance (2011)

Rating: 5.5/10
Review: This tries to be many things but just skip this and be properly weirded out by a Takaski Miike film.156. Salmon Fishing in The Yemen (2011)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Average drama about a subject that isn't really interesting but through the characters I was won over.155. Design for Living (1933)

Rating: 7/10
Review: This movie was released almost 80 years ago and yet the dialouge is still just as fresh today with a few slang terms here and there but otherwise this could be released today and would be better written than the majority of romantic comedies I've ever seen. Great treasure from yesteryear. The new Criterion Blu-ray remaster of this is a must see.154. I Love You To Death (1990)

Rating: 7/10
Review: River Pheonix backlog. While Kevin Kline is basically an Italian stereotype, this movie was still pretty enjoyable because of the cast involved. A really young Heather Graham has a cameo.153. Jeff Who Lives at Home (2011)

Rating: 7.5/10
Review: The ads for this movie really set it up to be a straight forward comedy when really its a tragi-comedy, without the big laughs you would be expecting from the ads the movie would seem disappointing but I really enjoyed the hard right turn the film takes at the end.152. My Own Private Idaho (1991)

Rating: 8.5/10
Review: I don't know why I hadn't seen this movie before but I'm kind of glad I hadn't because I wouldn't have really understood it if I had tried to watch a decade ago. This is probably my favorite movie that River starred in. Jim Cavisel cameo.151. Dogfight (1991)

Rating: 6/10
Review: River Pheonix backlog. River is on leave and his buddies have a contest to bring the ugliest girl possible. Average film but River kept my interest. A young Brendan Fraser has a cameo with his only line being "How'd you like to eat my shit?"150. Running on Empty (1988)

Rating: 7/10
Review: River Pheonix backlog. This plays like a TV movie of the weeks at times but it always shines when ever River is on the screen, he got an Oscar nod with this role.149. 21 Jump St (2012)

Rating: 7/10
Review: This was way better than it had any business being. This funny movie delivers the laughs.148. Hysteria (2011)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Film about the creation of an electric vibrator, but one that was the size of oven and had to be operated by three people so yea, quite a bit different. I wasn't really expecting the goofy turn that takes with some over the top humor on a half serious subject about how little the medical establishment knew at the time.147. Little Nikita (1988)

Rating: 6/10
Review: River Pheonix backlog. Average Coldwar spy drama.146. Mosquito Coast (1986)

Rating: 7/10
Review: River Pheonix backlog. This movie was extremely interesting to watch because Harrison Ford hasn't really played any character like it before or after. Jason Alexander has a cameo as a hardware store clerk.145. The Station Agent (2003)

Rating: 7.5/10
Review: After watching the second season of Game of Thrones I wanted to see what brought Peter Dinhlage fame initially and this is quite a charming movie that is an extremely well written character piece.144. Whatever Works (2009)

Rating: 6/10
Review: I was so excited when this Woody Allen/Larry David film was announced because it seemed like such a great combination of simalair comedic minds. But what works on paper doesn't always work on the screen, the tone of the movie seems slightly off. Maybe if David had played a character closer to his persona who know of him instead of a scientific genius that we are supposed to believe he portrays here.143. Mind Game (2004)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Extremely kinetic animation combines to tell the story of sevearl outcasts trying to get away from the police that then get swallowed by a whale and what they do to occupy their time while inside the whale. Descriptions kind of fail to explain what makes this movie interesting. 142. Hara- Kiri: Death of a Samurai (2011)

Rating: 8/10
Review: Takashi Miike direction. Really good slow burn of a movie about family honor.141. Mirror Mirror (2012)

Rating: 5/10
Review: After watching the trailer I was expecting a laugh a minute crap shoot, but this is just boring.140. Maniac Cop 3 (1993)

Rating: 5/10
Review: Jackie Heart Earle has a starring part as a junkie. I can't recommend it.139. Maniac Cop 2 (1990)

Rating: 5/10
Review: Young Danny Trejo has a brief cameo as prison imate. Bruce Campbell gets killed off early in this installment. I can't recommend it.138. Maniac Cop (1988)

Rating: 5/10
Review: a Pre-Army of Darkness Bruce Campbell is the only reason why I tried to get through this B grade Maniac Cop Trilogy. I can't recommend it.137. Beats, Rhymes, and Life (2011)

Rating: 7.5/10
Review: While I'm glad that a feature length doc on Tribe Called Quest was made and it got a theatrical release, I felt that it focused way too much on the inner turmoil inside the group and less on the music. Still this did make me dust off a few Tribe albums I hadn't listened to in a decade or more.136. Iron Sky (2012)

Rating: 7/10
Review: This definitely lived up to my expectations of a movie that would feature a secret Nazi Moon Base on the "dark" side of the moon. But this looks like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow but has a campy vibe through out.135. Take This Waltz (2011)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Middle of the road movie about relationships, one of the few movies that features the female character tempted outside of the relationship with the male being completely happy.134. Wanderlust (2012)

Rating: 7.5/10
Review: The newest film from David Wain (Stella, Wet Hot American Summer) is really funny, I have to admit that until recently I didn't really care for Jennifer Aniston at all, but this follows up several other comedic roles in movies that wereactually funny.
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