Monday, October 27, 2008

Movie #273


273. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)
Off DVR, Shown on IFC (widescreen, uncut)
While a lot of the scenes may seem unfocused and without direction or purpose (and a few are), most let you in more on what the reality of the world that the characters inhibit. Overall this was quite an enjoyable watch. Worth Watching.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Movie #272


272. Babylon A.D. (2008)
Other Means
This was a passion project for the director that he worked on developing for years, so I’m not sure if he was happy with how this ended up but he must have known what he was going for when he cast Vin Diesel as the lead. This is a pretty over the top euro-trashy romp that takes it’s self a little too seriously at times. I can’t really saw I came away from this with anything memorable. Pass

Monday, October 13, 2008

Movie #271


271. Shaolin vs Evil Dead (2004)
While this movie isn't especially good, nothing can really completely deliver on what my mind came up with when I saw the title on the cheap dvd rack. Pass

Monday, October 6, 2008

Movies #261-270


270. Shogun Assassin (1980)
GZA's Liquid Swords samples alot of the dialogue from this movie, and after watching it you'll know why, because this movie is super badass. This has as much samurai ass kicking action as you could ever need from one film. Must Watch


268. Naked Killer 2 (1993)
This movie really threw me for a loop because it has nothing to do with the first Naked Killer, it just seems like they made a movie with the same actress and then just put this title on it to sell it. Stick to the first Naked Killer.

269. War (2007)
Other Means
Big pile of rubbish with a few action scenes thrown in, moving on.


267. Bug (2006)
Other Means
This play turned movie actually translates pretty well, I'm not an Ashley Judd fan but she really captures the truly desperate woman in this disturbing at times movie.


266. The Fall (2006)
Other Means
Directing Tarsem again fails to bring the substance, but he always brings the flair, and while parts of this movie are incredibly beautiful they don't really worth together as a movie. Also I felt that we spent to much time in the real world when the fantasy story should have been center piece in the film.


265. Get Smart (2008)
Other Means
I had kind of low expectations going into this movie, but I was happily surprised with how much chemistry that Carrell and Hathaway have together, this is just a fun action / spy movie.


262. Bad Sleep Well (1960)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)
This is a Kurosawa movie that takes place in contemporary times, unlike the majority of his films. The movie follows a family business and all the backstabbing and other politics that go on when legal charges are being brought down on a large company. Well worth the watch.

263. Miracle at St. Anna (2008)
In Theaters
The majority of this movie is really engaging, but it complete falls apart in the last 30 minutes, and for that I'm going to blame the source material that the movie was based on. Disappointing, Spike almost had a home run here.

264. In Between Days (2006)
Off DVR, Shown on Sundance (widescreen, uncut)
This is a very sparse dialogue indie flick that follows one Korean girl as she adjusts to life in North America, there isn't really a lot going on this movie but I wasn't completely bored by it.


261. The Black Cat (1968)
Off DVR, Shown on IFC (widescreen, uncut)
This is a folk tale adapted quite well for the screen, if your down for a movie with haunted forests and vengeneful spirits than this is right up your alley. Good movie