259. The Giant Claw (1957)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)
With a title like Giant Claw I was expecting this movie to maybe deal with giant crabs or something like that, but low and behold the featured monster in the movie is a decrepit giant vulture that flies around attacking people and planes and doesn't show up on radar so he can't be tracked. There was barely anything else to keep my attention in this movie, but there are some good laughs throughout (because the movie is so bad, of course).

260. Righteous Kill (2008)
Other Means
A flood of bad press followed the release of this movie, and I had seen the directors previous film with Pacino, 88 Minutes which was terrible. But I have to say this movie isn't nearly as terrible as reported, while the script is from screenwriting 101, watching Pacino and Deniro on screen makes up for a lot of the lacking in the writing. This is definetly watchable, the cast otherwise is really good also with Carla Gugino, John Leguizamo, and Donnie Wahlberg. Also for all the 50 Cent haters, he is barely in the movie, so it's not a problem.

258. You Don't Mess with the Zohan Unrated (2008)
Other Means
Now I consider myself in the camp of Adam Sandler haters (besides Punch Drunk Love of course), and I had some mightly low expectations for this movie. But I have to say that I laughed pretty hard throughout the length of this unrated version of the film, I'm going to give credit to Judd Apatow for that. This is pretty over the top is terms of the comedy, and if your an Adam Sandler hater this might be worth a watch, but I enjoyed this one anyway.

257. Au Revoir Les Enfants (1987)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)
This film does a good job of making unsympathetic school boys watchable on the back drop of WW2, definetly worth watching if you've seen a Louis Malle film before, this is a good introduction to him. Recommended Watch

255. The Bank Job (2008)
This is a pretty well done British gangster / heist movie, the reason why this works better than the litany of other British gangster movies is partially based on a true story which gives it an added sense of reality somewhat. I was expecting something more watered down than what this turned out to be, worth a watch if you don't have anything to watch.

256. 21 (2008)
This movie is about as mainstream as mainstream gets, the whole movie looks like it was shot with the same crew and equipment as an episode of CSI, and also it has the weird digital video motion blur in scene with high movement. I don't know why that look is desirable because it looks cheap. The music throughout the movie is already getting dated and this just came out back in March, it was just a compilation of stuff that was popular months before the movie came out. Your not going to miss anything by skipping this movie except seeing Kate Bosworth, who is usually worth admission, but she's not enough alone this time.

253. Burn After Reading (2008)
In Theaters
This is Cohen Brothers return to form and they nail the farcical nature that some of the films of their past captured. Great acting all around, highly enjoyable. Highly Recommended Watch

254. Snow Angels (2007)
Other Means
With Kate Beckinsale and Sam Rockwell to top your cast your obviously doing something right. David Gordon Green’s film came out before Pineapple Express, but it may have been shot after I’m not sure. Either way this movie is really good with establishing it’s natural setting and characters. The cracker who almost killed The Forbidden Kingdom returns here and actually fits his part really well and has actually flipped my perspective of him. Nicky Katt has a nice appearance and the main girl from The Wackness also has a substantial part. Amy Sedaris is also in this movie but just barely. Worth a watch.
i know where you live......
Ive been watching you......
And I've been calling your....
Dude, update. I need more movies. I've been rocking the netflix lately, what with being an unemployed bum and all.
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