245. The Promotion (2008)
Other Means
For some reason this movie didn't really get a theatrical release but this movie actually out to be a lot better than you would expect from a movie that practically has a straight to DVD release, I would even go as far to say I enjoyed this movie as much as I did Step-Brothers earlier this summer, but Step-Brothers takes the crown for zany antics this has more comedy based in reality. Overall I really do recommend this movie though, for you Will Ferrall detractors should check this movie out if you feel like you couldn't get into Step-Brothers.

243. Town Without Pity (1961)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies
Kurt Douglas gives a great performance that creates the pillar of the film it that rotates around, there are good performances all around and Robert Blake has a good turn here as he always does playing the slightly demented character. I ended up enjoying this movie more than I expected to enjoy a court drama.

244. Elegy (2008)
Other Means
The trailers for the movie made it really seem like this was yet another movie starring Ben Kingsley that would be forgettable, but I think this maybe the second best movie this year that stars Ben Kingsley behind "The Wackness". Penelope Cruz of course is beautiful but see actually does bring some acting skills to this part also. Overall this is kind of the typical guy with a mid-life crisis but this offers a different take on it, with Dennis Hopper as Ben's buddy who he confers with, Hopper is really good here in the supporting role. This movie really surprised me with how watchable it really is.

240. Smiley Face (2007)
Other Means
This is another in the legion of stoner comedies that have been released over the years and this doesn't meet any kind of stoner expectations as usual, so the story doesn't really go anywhere but Anna Farris is really cute and does what she can with the script. If you don't understand stoner culture then you'll probably find this movie annoying to no end. Only a mild recommendation for the stoner contingent.

241. Baby Mama (2008)
Other Means
Tina Fey and Amy Pohler's chemistry is really the only thing that saves this movie from being a totally unwatchable chick flick. The script really isn't as much as you would expect from a Tina Fey penned script, that's because Fey didn't write the script, some dude did. So a guy writes a movie about how two women bond over a surrogate pregnancy, riiiiiiight. Skip this one and just catch up on 30 Rock if you've never seen the show before.

242. The Formula (1980)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)
This movie is arguably more relevant now than when it was released (it involves a formula to make synthetic gasoline with coal), but George Scott kind of slugs through this movie even though he always has a demanding on screen presence throughout. For a movie that has Marlon Brando on the poster, Brando barely has a supporting role in this film. This movie would have been a lot better if we really had seen a head to head grudge match between Brando and Scott, but they don't really have a lot of time on screen together so the movie kind of just goes on and just ends abruptly.

239. The Fugitive Kind (1959)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)
This movie follows Brando playing the typical Tennessee Williams down and out southern womanizer who tries to reform their old ways. But this is vintage Brando and he brings here like he did in Street Car Named Desire, this movie is incredibly watchable and I highly recommend this movie as it’s on the of the less discussed classics that features Brando in his prime.
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