167. Chaos Theory (2007)
Other Means
I'll admit that I had misread the plot description for this movie and only half paid attention to the trailer that I had seen for this but for some reason I had thought this film involved time travel of some sort, but it's just one of those I'm having a mid-life crisis movies, so while this wasn't nauseatingly cliche, it's just a good run of the mill movie, that won't really stick with me that long.

166. The Happening (2008)
In Theaters (DLP Screening)
Now I've been on of the few people I know that has actually been able to enjoy all of M. Night's films up to this point, but with this movie I feel like he missed a golden opportunity, the apocalyptic earth destruction genre is my favorite when done right and while Night has all the right pieces here he doesn't build the characters up enough through out the movie, and is Mark Wahlberg supposed to be sarcastic all the time or that just his take on the character? Either way, Wahlberg's high register in his voice caused quite a few laughs throughout the movie, intentional or otherwise. Watch this on video if you must see this, no need to go to the theater.

165. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
In Theaters
This is a vast improvement over the first Hulk film because I never believed Eric Bana as a scientist because he looks like a rugby player, now scrawny Ed Norton, now that's scientist material. Now while this movie is really easy to enjoy I have to wonder what Ed Norton's changes to the movie would have been that got shot down, this isn't really the path that Marvel studios should go down with not listening to the talent that they should be trying to keep happy. At this point I don't know if Norton would be willing to come back for a sequel. But anyway, this movie is a lot of fun and the CG is really well done.

164. The Garment Jungle (1957)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)
This is a classic workers versus the industrial establishment story that is pretty well written and mostly well acted, the lead actor of the story, the garment factories owner's son, is extremely wooden and really sticks out among the above average acting ensemble. Nice watch but nothing genre defining.

163. Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs (2008)
Other Means
I was so hyped to see this movie being a huge Futurama fan, and this movie didn't disappoint. I love these epic story-lines they have been developing for these Futurama movies and I can't wait for the next one, this is a must see for any Futurama fans.
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