162. Chained Heat (1983)
Off DVR, Shown on FLIX (widescreen, uncut)
If you only watch one women in prison movie in your life (why limit yourself?), than make it this one because it's a tour de force in how to make create a genre, this is some great acting and there is plenty of T and A around also, which makes this a camp classic.

161. Funny Games U.S. (2007)
Other Means
This wasn't really worth my time. I reached levels of boredom with this movie that I hadn't experienced since I watched Gus Van Sant's Elephant and Gus Van Sant's Paranoid Park.

160. Be Kind Rewind (2008)
Other Means
This movie is alot of fun, I had realistic expectations that this would be a silly movie, and it is, yes it does have a soft ending but that didn't kill my enjoyment of the movie, as long as you know this isn't the greatest movie ever made going in your like this.

158. Shotgun Stories (2007)
Other Means
Michael Shannon really steals this movie, this script could have easily been rendered meaningless by bad direction but this movie does well on all fronts I thought, probably one of the better family dramas that I've seen in a while.

159. Bill (2007)
Other Means
Aaron Eckhart does well with playing the likeable but faulted main character, but the main stage for this movie is Elizabeth Banks, this is the most screen time I've seen her have with a film and I'm in favor of making more movies with E Banks as the lead. Why was Jessica Alba even cast in this movie, her character could have been played by anyone. This film is slightly above average in that it doesn't suck but it's still pretty so unique that you need to seek it out.

157. Redbelt (2008)
In Theaters
It's a David Mamet film so of course it's going to be interesting but was it good, well yes this is a good movie, but that's not to say that it doesn't have it's complications, we cover so much with the characters over the movie I felt that maybe the film could have benefitted from an extended running time, but that's just being picky I guess, this is worth catching on DVD.

156. Diary of the Dead (2007)
Other Means
This had potential to not be awful, if the annoying narration and dumb editing had been fixed this movie could have at least been respectable, as it is currently it's a disaster and not one that's worth driving slow and staring at.
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