
The Machine Girl (2008)Other MeansThis movie is completely ridiculous and a must see. There is a continual one up manship in this film to constantly up the ante with more blood and violence as the scenes go on with leads to more and more laughter as the movie goes on. That's okay, they want you to. Not for the faint of heart but a must see movie for the multiple WTF did I just see that action scenes, lots of fun.

10,000 B.C. (2008)Other MeansSo this movie had some nice trailers but I knew better when dealing with the director of Independence Day/ lots of other crap, so I settled in for a real stinker and it definitely delivered that. The most annoying part of the movie that would have been a simple fix was the "spirit healer"/ unknown character narration, it adds nothing to the movie and other just restates something that just happened, as if I was blind and the scene I just listened to is being visually explained to me. Also for as much as this movie cost, there is tons of really bad visual effects in this movie, the big effect centerpiece the saber-tooth doesn't look real for one second. Also this movie moves so slowly, that I could have sworn the movie was over two hours, but it was really around ninety.

Street Kings (2008)Other MeansI remember being blasted in the ass with the TV spots from this movie around the release date, and they boiled the movie down to a few terrible catch phrases and because of that I was so ready to rip this movie apart and was ready for a camp-fest. But I can say that the ad company hired to make the TV spots should never be hired again, because they presented the film as god-awful and this movie is really just average and splits with the cliche good cop bad cop story-line a few times, but really not that memorable, but not anywhere as bad as the ads made it seem.

A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006)Off DVR, Shown on Sundance (Widescreen, Uncut)I felt this movie had some good characters to set a story on but the character details seem a little glossed over which may have benefitted with a longer running time, nothing really special about this movie, the kids in the movie look like they grew-up in the neighborhood I live in now.

Looking for Richard (1996)Off DVR, Shown on IFC (Widescreen, Uncut)This documentary covers the process that Al Pacino goes through to stage a production of Richard the Third with an all star cast, a large portion of this film is just the actor's doing the production and not as much insight onto the production but there is a ton of information of what happens in Richard the Third, they break down quite a few parts like a literary analyzation would be in an class but more compelling, I wasn't really knowledgeable on Richard before but I definitely got my fill of it through this though.

Jumper (2008)Other MeansThe two leads of this movie (Hayden & Rachel) have zero screen chemistry or presence at all for that matter, if two solid actors had been put in these parts maybe the flimsy script could have been over looked but the film's plot doesn't resolve or wrap-up at end of the movie it just ends, like the whole film wasn't important at all, and would require a sequel just to explain all the parts they left out of the first film. I doubt that would ever happen thought, although I could see this becoming the next cheap sequel sensation and they pump out a bunch of knock offs through the direct to DVD market.

Son of Rambow (2007)In TheatersIf you've seen the trailer for Son of Rambow you should know that the movie they are selling in the trailer isn't what the film turned out to be. The trailer suggests a more lighthearted romp than this ended up being and while I don't know if that's a bad thing I feel really mixed on this film, because I felt that there was so much potential there that I may catch on to later in a while and I might like it better but I didn't really like this movie. And the french kid becomes annoying by the third time he's on screen and he's on screen quite a bit.