139. Iron Man (2008)
In Theaters (DLP Screening)
Yeah, so believe the hype, this movie is really good. This is the first Marvel character film under the new Marvel Studios banner, which means that Marvel was able to put up the entire budget for the film out of their own pocket and Paramount only is the distributer which means that Marvel has a lot more control of the films that it's characters are in so we won't have Spider-Man 3/ X-Men 3 like debacles again because people who actually care about these characters are making the decisions and not some aloof studio heads. I whole heartedly welcome this if this is the quality of movie that they want to turn out. Highly Recommended Watch.

138. The Name of the Rose (1986)
Other Means
Sean Connery plays a monk Sherlock Holmes in this film which features a young looking Ron Perlman, and an almost infantile Christian Slater. I'm usually bored by films that take place in the dark ages but this one held my interest, worth a watch for Connery who surprisingly doesn't stick out like sore thumb like he usually does in period pieces.
Holy shit, man! I am, at this moment, 1/2 way through the book. I saw the movie a long time ago and liked it enough to pick up the novel by Umberto Eco. Somewhat dense, but good, nonetheless.
Yeah, so Ironman was pretty cool, but I think the film makers were projecting a bit when they had the terrorists water boarding Tony Stark (what with the current administration's enthusiasm for such "enhanced interrogation techniques"). Also, Pepper Potts? What kind of fucking name is that? The diminutive pet-names Stan Lee thought up in the 60's for his damsels in distress don't translate very well for 21st. century audiences.
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