145. Blacula (1972)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (Widescreen, Uncut)
Besides having the greatest character name ever, this isn't really that much to stick around for in this film. I like that whitey is the one who made the black guy Dracula (by biting him), so Blacula of course isn't to blame for feeding a majority of the time, on black people. Good for a laugh.
142. Walk Softly, Stranger (1950)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies
I've always been a big Joseph Cotton fan, and this has Cotton in spades. This is a watch-able noir piece about new beginnings, and it doesn't fall flat, it's just average.

143. Corvette Summer (1978)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (Widescreen, Uncut)
This is a camp classic, well, really anything with Mark Hamill in it besides the Star Wars series is automatically considered a camp classic. There isn't really much going on in this besides Mark looking for a car that he is to the point of being disturbed enraptured about. Annie Potts (the secretary from Ghostbusters) is surprisingly hot in this movie, but unless you a Hamill uberite, you can miss this and go on living.

144. The Rack (1956)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies
The issue raised in this film, such as being in a POW camp and being tortured, and if you do break, how would the prosecution of treason be handled, but these issues are bigger than the film itself, with solid acting all around the movie really grows stagnant with all the scenes taking pretty much in the court and he never have a flashback to what the POW camp or what situations looked like, so I can't say this is a must see, only recommended for Paul Newman fanatics.
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