134. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
In Theaters
Judd Apatow produced films are on a roll and this film definitely continues that successful streak. This movie is a really good date movie because it's actually really funny. Highly Recommended

135. Billy Liar (1963)
Off DVR, Shown on FLIX (widescreen, uncut)
This takes what could be a rather stiff setting with 60's England and infuses it with energy through the random imagination of the main character, the amount of editing and bouncing back and forth was definitely a head of it's time. Highly Recommended

136. Crawlspace (1986)
Off DVR, Shown on FLIX (widescreen, uncut)
I hadn't ever seen Klaus Kinski in anything besides Werner Herzog's films, so this was the primary reason why I wanted to watch this, but this has lots of camp value and it runs under 80 minutes so it doesn't waste your time. Worth watching if you have added your own commentary to a movie in a while.

131. The Water Lilies (2007)
Other Means
This movie is pretty good and not something that I could see being made in the same way over in the states. Good movie following French youths which is not something that I'm exposed to that often.

132. Infernal Affairs (2002)
Other Means
So I'll admit that I saw The Departed before seeing this (The Departed is a remake of this film), so my review is pretty much comparing the two. The Departed is nearly an hour longer than this version and that time is spent in character development, I really didn't feel like I had as much invested in the characters by the time that shit starts to go down. Also the musical score for Infernal Affairs is the only part of the movie that sticks out as being cheaply done, there are a few scenes that stick out in my mind that are definitely hurt by the almost midi sounding soundtrack. But this movie does get mad props because there are a lot of scenes from this film that are almost verbatim done in The Departed. I almost hate to say this but if you've seen The Departed, then you've seen the best version of this already. Now I'll have to seek out the other two films in the Infernal Affairs trilogy, maybe this will give me more perspective on this film when viewed with trilogy (also in case you were wondering, there isn't a stupid rat at the end of this version).

133. The Cassandra Crossing (1976)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)
This movie could have easily had thirty minutes cut from it, the plot takes for ever to advance once it's been set-up. Pretty typical 70's pseudo disaster movie.

130. Five Miles to Midnight (1962)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)
Sofia Loren and Anthony Perkins at the top of their games in terms of youthful appearence, but this movie was a little more average than I was expecting, the end result was kind of ho-hum.

129. 88 Minutes (2007)
Other Means
Now I've read blurbs on the internet (Variety) that claimed this to be the worst movie that Al Pacino has ever acted in. But I beg to differ, yes this movie is stupid and has lots of plot holes and the script is poorly written. But it's more average than it is all out bad. This isn't worth watching but I would say to the people calling this the worst of Pacino's career that they need to go check out Revolution, Bobby Deerfield, and Cruising because those pictures are head and shoulders of badness worse than this. But my biggest disappointment with this film is that this guy Avnet also directed Pacino in Righteous Kill, which comes out later this year and pairs up De Niro and Pacino again which is something that I would be greatly anticipating had I not seen this movie.

128. Horton Hears a Who! (2008)
Other Means
The best part of watching this movie was seeing Whoville come to life, the animation is really faithful in representing what Dr. Seuss style would look like in 3D animation. I could have really done with out the sing-a-long part to that terrible song not worth mentioning. Otherwise I think this is easily the best of the Seuss adaptations that have been done in recent years.

127. The Ruins (2008)
In Theaters
I have to confess that the trailers and press I had seen on this film did not make me want to go see it. The head geek at Aint it Cool posted a review of this film and in the title it made it out to be a positive review, he doesn't do reviews for something that I considered a nothing movie. Based on that I gave it a chance, and I'm really glad i did. Where as a lot of the recent slate of crap horror films like Saw/Hostel, this movie has characters that you don't cheer when they die because they are actually written like real people and the decisions they make are logical, huh? This is not what I was expecting at all. Above average horror film when compared to the recent crop of crap. And I'm completely mystified by some of the reviews that have been written on imdb saying if you like "torture porn" like Saw/Hostel then you'll like this, WTF??? There is no torture in this movie at all, in Saw/Hostel all the violence done to people is by other people, but in Ruins pretty much all the violence is done by forces other than humans (which is a lot better).
I read the book several months ago. Wasn't really aware of the movie until right before it came out, though. Think its still in theaters? The book had me up all night. Very suspenseful page-turner. Have to check out the film. I'll let you know what I think of it.
Ok, that last one was about The Ruins by the way.
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