126. Frontier(s) (2007) Uncut Version
Other Means
This movie shows that the French are capable of making stylishly dumb horror movies just as well as Hollywood can. This shares all the bad acting and story holes of Hostel and Saw, the one thing this has over them is that I had to read the dialogue so by default I didn't feel as dumb watching it, and there is so much gore in this uncut version that it does lead to an amusing chuckle or two. Nothing makes this a must see, been there done that.

125. [Rec] (2007)
Other Means
This movie is told POV from a news crew and zombie related stuff happens. My biggest problem with the movie is that this film has more shaky camera work than the Bourne Trilogy and Cloverfield combined, which makes it almost unwatchable on a television because I kept getting slightly nauseous, so I had to downsize to a computer screen, I would have definitely walked out of a showing of this at the theater. If your going to do the POV movie that's cool, but at least try to have the camera steady, so that we can see what going on and don't get sick watching it. The premise for this is cooler than the end result. An American remake of this is already in the works so hopefully they'll get a few of the camera kinks worked out (The American remake is called "Quarantine").

124. 13 Ghosts (1960)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)
This movie is goofy as all get out, and it has the actress who played the wicked witch from Wizard of Oz, as you guessed it, an old witch. I watched the Black and White version which was even goofier because non of the 3D effects worked of course, so the scenes where we are supposed to be amazed at the technology are so silly because there are really long shots of bad special effects work (bad even for 1960). But, this is still much more enjoyable than that terrible remake they did of this a few years ago. Camp-tastic

123. Trapeze (1956)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)
I'm a big fan of early Tony Curtis and Burt Lancaster from any era, so I was expecting a good watch with this film where they team up again. Overall this movie is good and offers a good look at the circus lifestyle. The woman in the story ruins everything with her barely up to snuff acting, she doesn't really carry the same screen presence of Tony or Burt. Worth a watch if you want to see more circus life (but only if it's in widescreen).
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