
CJ7 (2008)Other MeansI was expecting this to continue the "farcical romps" direction that Chow's last few movies have taken, but this is a family movie that is nice around the sides with very little edge to compel me to keep watching, if your looking for a cute non-offensive movie that the whole family can watch this is for you, but I'm not, so I didn't really like this.

Leatherheads (2008)In TheatersThis movie and Semi-Pro share quite a bit of story ideas, but Leatherheads has a lot more charm. Now their are two things working against the movie from the outset, Renee Zellweger is cast in this, and Randy Newman does the music. I'm happy to report that neither of these objects dominates the picture enough to annoy me. This is a good light movie.

Shine a Light (2008)In Theaters (DLP Screening)This is isn't really the backstage documentary that I was expecting, it's a performance documentary because 85% of the film is the Stones performing at the Beacon Theater, with a few cut outs to put the performance in context of their careers. If your expecting to see what the tour was like, your out of luck, because the whole film is only focused on the one performance. But for what it is, it does it extremely well, I like that they didn't try to shoot around how amazingly old all the players look. Good performance piece showing that they can put on a good show into their sixties.

Fulltime Killer (2001)Off DVR, Shown on IFC (widescreen, uncut)This movie is highly derivative of many films, but it moves along at a nice pace, but it has tons of plots holes and silly writing. Also for some reason this movie looks like it shot on VHS in the mid-nineties, when I saw the release date was 2001 after watching it I was astonished, I guess they didn't have that big of a budget or something. Probably only recommended to big Andy Lau fans.

Torn Curtain (1966)Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)This is also one of the lesser talked about Hitchcock movies, but this one is actually good. It concerns Paul Newman defecting to Soviet Russia because he's a scientist and wants his special anti-weapons program built. This film uses the Hitchcock eye quite a bit so it's always fun to watch. Recommended if you've seen a lot of Hitchcock and want more.

Topaz (1969)Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)This is one of the lesser talked about Hitchcock movies, and for a good reason, I found this film to be pretty life less and really long.

Mondays in the Sun (2002)Off DVR, Shown on IFC (widescreen, uncut)If Javier Bardem is in a film, I'm going to watch it. I've been following Javier every since his first Oscar nod for Before Night Falls (a film that I highly recommend). Nobody else really holds the stage with Javier, I couldn't really get into the other characters storylines in this film and as the film is evenly balanced with regards to character time, there was a lot of time without Javier on the screen so I was bored. Javier fans should see this eventually, but otherwise not really stands out about this film in my mind right now.

Red Lights (2004)Off DVR, Shown on Sundance (widescreen, uncut)This movie has a pretty beginning build up and character development, but the third act unfolds disappointingly traditional as compared with the first two acts. Still worth a watch but had greater potentional.

Avenue Montaigne (2006)Off DVR, Shown on Sundance (widescreen, uncut)Not badly acted or written just really average even for a mainstream film and not very memorable.

Priceless (2006)Other MeansI'll watch anything that has Audrey Tautou as the lead actress, and I was skeptical that this romantic comedy would be any good because I usually hate all of them (Romantic Comedies that is). But this movie has quite a bit of charm and humor and it doesn't hurt the film that it sticks to the tried and true romantic comedy plot line. This actor Gad Elmaleh is someone that I'm going to have to look out for in the future. Above Average Rom-Com Watch