111. Flesh Gordon (1974)
Off Roommate's DVD
This is a camp classic done on a shoestring budget, if you watch this and don't laugh, you are dead inside. Highly Recommended Viewing

112. Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders (1989)
Off Roommate's DVD
Took the promise of taking the campness to a new level with this sequel and this one disappoints on all fronts. Not anywhere near as fun as the first one.

108. Death of a Cyclist (1955)
Off DVR, Shown on Ovation
This is a really well done character story that has some well crafted story arcs. Simple plot, good actors, all you need in a movie. Considered a classic

109. Lonely Are the Brave (1962)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)
I love the casting on this movie, instead of playing an authority figure, Kirk Douglas is playing the subversive figure and Walter Matthau is the sheriff hunting him down, playing completely against type. This one is extremely well written and the cinematography is bad-ass also. Highly Recommended Viewing, in widescreen only of course.

110. Lilith (1964)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)
Warren Beatty was on his rise up in Hollywood with this film and I thought it was really well done. Beatty really shows his natural acting talent here and the screenplay is really well written. Vintage Beatty Watch.

106. The Executioner (1974)
Off DVR, Shown on FLIX (widescreen, uncut)
This movie is great because it has a lot of action and fight scenes but it's also really funny and has quite a big of over the top violence. Really Fun Watch.

107. Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)
Off DVR, Shown on IFC (widescreen, uncut)
This movie is really atmospheric and you could definitely compare the stylistic notes hit in this movie to Terrace Malick did with his movie from Badlands on. But this isn't just an imitation, I'm not really that big of a Malick but I did like this movie a lot. School girls getting lost on a picnic doesn't sound like that interesting of a movie plot, but all the pieces Peter Weir put together really make the film work.

105. Pretty Poison (1968)
Off DVR, Shown on Fox Movie Channel (widescreen, uncut)
I was really surprised with this movie, it's extremely well written with the elevation of the plot lines and the character arcs are way above the type of movie that I was expecting starring Anthony Perkins. Highly Recommended Watch

101. Gamera: The Guardian of the Universe (1995)
Off DVR, Shown on FLIX (widescreen, uncut, english language dub)
This movie was even sillier than expected with the english language dubbed on this one, but otherwise this is a pretty average "man in suit" affair.

102. Tarantula (1955)
Off DVR, Shown on Chiller
Spider exposed to radiation experiments turns into a giant, and of course as par for the course with the atomic monster movies, the only way to destroy it is to shoot it with more radiation. Average Monster Movie from the 50's, not outrageous enough to be the super-camp adventure I was expecting though.

103. The Satan Bug (1965)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen)
This is really well written, and actually stands the test of time since it's release in 1965. I love the apocalyptic movies about ending the world with a weapon, and this is right up that alley. Although unless you can watch it in widescreen I wouldn't bother, this one uses a lot Cinemascope frame in composition and it all would be wasted on Pan & Scan.

104. Heavy Metal (1981)
Other Means
Bad-ass hand-drawn animation styles that you don't see anymore are front stage on this compilation story feature. A must see for anyone who has an appreciation for animation and boobs.

98. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
Other Means
Wow, so I had expectations that this would be funny but ultimately forgettable. But I was dead wrong, this was a least 6 funny levels above what I was expecting and this isn't just a parody movie, it really owns what it's doing. Highly Recommended Viewing

99. Brute Force (1947)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies
This movie is good, but I think it could have been better if the screenplay had been more focused, we are treated to numerous flashbacks of the occupants of one cell, when really we didn't need them in the long run, well maybe keep just Burt Lancaster's but all the others could have been cut and the movie would have been more concise and even better. Above Average Prison Watch.

100. The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang (2006)
Other Means
This uses the Napoleon Dynamite style to good use because I didn't like Napoleon but I do like this movie for the amount of charm that the cast bring out of the story. Other wise this is a pretty average movie.

94. The Virgin Spring (1960)
Off DVR, Shown on IFC (Uncut)
Ingmar Bergman is an acquired film taste, and I've been a fan of his work that I've seen. This is another team up with Max Von Sydow and it's a classic revenge tale that takes places in the middle ages in Sweden so of course it's going to feel like a slow movie, accept it, most of Bergman's movies where never made with pacing in mind, but you have to look past that to see the great artistry at work. Overall a good Bergman movie, but if you aren't a fan already than this isn't going to make you change sides on that debate, like The Seventh Seal would.

95. Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)
The scene where Jason fights the skeletons in the finale of the movie is extremely well done even by today's standards because it looks more real than a lot of computer effects that I see done in a lot of mainstream Hollywood today. But ultimately unless your into the classic story and stuff like that this might be a little bit of a chore to sit through because a lot of the acting is over-acting, but totally worth a complete watch.

96. Night of the Lepus (1972)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)
If you always demanded more bunny carnage from you viewing than this is right up your alley. This is the movie that is playing on the television with Keanu goes to see the Oracle the first time and the kid bends the non-spoon (the one with the giant bunnies). The thing is, giant bunnies still look adorable and not scary, so this is good for a quite a few laughs.

97. Terror Train (1980)
Off DVR, Shown on Fox Movie Channel (widescreen, uncut)
Besides seeing a eerily creepy David Copperfield playing a magician in this movie, there isn't anything worth recommending in this movie. Not even a good 80's horror camp-fest that you would expect.
Hey man, just rented Sasquatch Gang on your recommendation. About to watch it and get nice and drunk. I'll report back soon......
I dug it.
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