88. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)
Off DVR, Shown on Fox Movie Channel (widescreen, uncut)
The movie deals with some kind of super global warming being triggered and the entire world is melting worse than even Al Gore could imagine. So being Americans in the early sixties what is the best way to handle it? Send a nuclear missle into the air and blow up the atmosphere into space of course. The laughable plot and special effects aside there isn't really much to stick around for in this movie, you could put this one and have a dozen friends gathered around the TV catching up and not really miss anything special. Below Average Apocalyptic Watch

89. Pressure Point (1962)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)
This is film that showcases why Sidney Poitier is though of so highly today in acting circles. Watching this today it seems like a film that was produced in Europe during these times, it sticks out as above average for the studio films of the time. Well worth the watch if you happen upon this movie some time.

85. The Orphanage (2007)
Other Means
While this isn't as good as The Devil's Backbone it only slightly covers similar territory so the comparisons are minimal. I really dug the cinematography on this film, a must see if you've been a fan of Del Toro's recent output (he produced this). Above Average Watch

86. Rambo III (1988)
Other Means
Growing up I remember watching the Hot Shots series a multitude of times, and only now do I see where a lot of the ridiculous moments come from, this was really asking to parodied because by this point in the series we've pretty much lost all threads of the character that was established in the first Rambo film. Extremely brainless 80's action movie that's worth a laugh.

87. Rambo (2008)
Other Means
This Rambo is better than the second and third film combined. Even though there are endless scenes in the second and third films of Rambo mowing down troop after troop, this movie takes it to another level entirely and amps of the blood by the elevator full. Both the third and forth Rambo films set the action in the places of real life war zones (one of the few things that the third film could be commended for) and with this film the real life war zone is shown quite graphically in line with the rest of the film. This doesn't break the Rambo mold but it quite a bit better and more realistic than the campy laugh fests of the second and third installments of the series.

84. The Mist (2007)
Other Means
I'm not going to say much about this movie because this is one that all spoilers should be avoided for if you never read the original short story. Highly Recommended Watch

83. The X From Outer Space (1967)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)
This movie has a monster that looks like a cross between Utra-Man and Godzilla. Classic "Man in Suit" camp material but nothing absolutely bonkers about this one. The hilariously inappropriate music segways living up the movie. Worth picking up if you see this on the $5 or less DVD rack.

82. Marnie (1964)
Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)
This was one of the few Hitchcock movies that I hadn't seen so i had mild anticipation because it's always been considered one of his lesser works. All the Hitchcock finger prints are here, the meticulous shot detail, telling the story without dialogue, and of course the cameo. This movie is very easy to get into and watch because of all the film narrative elements that Hitch had at his hands. I did like this movie and it's didn't seem to drag as much as the 2 hr plus run time would have me believe, but this story doesn't quite have the Hitchcock edge that existed in his films, but still this movie is still well done and a must see for those Hitchcock admirers who may have passed this one by in the past.
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