202. Win Win (2011)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Even though all the performances and script are spot on, this movie seemed just too much by the numbers and didn't really break out of the box for me and I'm doubting I'll remember much about this a year from now.
201. Limelight (2011)

Rating: 7/10
Review: This documentary about the legendary club and owner is pretty well paced throughout and even though I have no interest in going to clubs like this it was a really interesting watch about nightlife in Manhattan in the mid 80's through the 90's.
200. Love Crime (2010)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Brian DePalma has a remake of this coming out soon called Passion so I wanted to visit the original film. This is quite an enjoyable mystery thriller and I would like to see how much or little DePalma changed for his take on the story.
199. Purple Noon (1960)

Rating: 6.5/10
Review: Another Alan Delon starring vehicle, The Talented Mr. Ripley is a remake of this movie, and while I don't really like remakes the Matt Damon version is a lot easier to sit through. This movie's pacing really goes stale at several points but wraps up nicely at the end.
198. Farewell Friend (1968)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Charles Bronson and Alan Delon team up to brake into a vault with a lot of money inside. No musical score on this movie makes it drag a lot during the scenes without tension. It was nice seeing these icons on screen together but they both have been in much better pictures.
197. The Avengers (2012)

Rating: 8/10
Review: I had heard quite a bit of hype about how good this was and I would agree that it met my expectations. Even though the movie is 2 and half hours there is so much material to go through that it never lags in the storytelling. I hadn't seen Thor since the theatrical release and I had to play catch up a little bit with the story.
196. Gyo Toyko Fish Attack (2012)

Rating: 6/10
Review: So in this anime, fish come out of the ocean and attack Japan. If that line alone didn't sell you on watching this I probably couldn't recommend it to you.
195. Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Extremely compelling documentary with Phillip Glass-like music about what some consider to be the best sushi place in the world.
194. The Cabin in The Woods (2011)

Rating: 8/10
Review: This movie is best watched going in totally blind and only knowing that some people are going to a scary cabin. I'm generally not a fan of horror movies but I highly recommend this because even though the basic plot structure is of a horror movie there is a ton more going on in this film. Highly Recommended.
193. The Bourne Legacy (2012)

Rating: 6/10
Review: I'm a fan of Jeremy Renner, Ed Norton, and Rachel Weiz, but even with all of them in tow this did seem to be a little too formulaic and I don't see them making any more in the series without Damon being involved at all.
192. The Raid: Redemption (2011)

Rating: 7/10
Review: I've been hearing about this movie for awhile now and there is already a remake in the works so I was highly anticipating watching it. While I do agree this is an extremely kinectic watch this is really better to know nothing about it and have it surprise you then to have someone hype it first because there is little substance here.
191. 2 Days in New York (2012)
Rating: 7/10
Review: I chuckled to myself when i heard that they were doing a sequel to 2 Days in Paris with Chris Rock being the new boyfriend. To say that Rock doesn't do material like this normally is an understatement. But Rock works well within the world of the film and this feels like a natural progression from the first film. The family of Delpy figures prominently here again and without having seen the other film would probably be off putting but I whole hardheartedly endorse this double feature.
190. 2 Days in Paris (2007)

Rating: 7/10
Review: I'd been wanting to see this for awhile and I figured the best way to view it would be back to back with it's sequel and I think it definetly helped my appreciation of both because the family figures prominently in both movies and without all this backstory leading to the new movie I wouldn't have like the new film as much either probably. This has been compared to Woody Allen's films and I consider it an apt comparison.
189. Starship Troopers: Invasion (2012)

Rating: 6/10
Review: New Starship Troopers material is always welcome and I was hesitant to watch this because of Casper Van Dien's exec producing credit but thankfully this is a fun time in mech suits. Plenty of nudity and violence to go around which is what I was expecting. Animation style is more advanced than the television series and more akin to Final Fantasy cut scenes.
Rating: 7/10
Review: This was a breakout role for Joseph Gordon-Levitt because it ushered him into film acting after 3rd Rock from the Sun ended and what a gut churning part to take on. This movie was good but really unsettling and I probably won't need a second viewing of this, but its based on the book of the same name that also takes place in Hutchinson, Kansas. I frequented Hutchinson throughout my childhood because my grandmother lived there and so I'm familiar with the place but I never saw this side of the city.
Review: This was a breakout role for Joseph Gordon-Levitt because it ushered him into film acting after 3rd Rock from the Sun ended and what a gut churning part to take on. This movie was good but really unsettling and I probably won't need a second viewing of this, but its based on the book of the same name that also takes place in Hutchinson, Kansas. I frequented Hutchinson throughout my childhood because my grandmother lived there and so I'm familiar with the place but I never saw this side of the city.
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