297. Lakeview Terrace (2008)
Other Means
This movie had some terrible trailers for it out during the summer that put me off seeing it until now, and I don't really understand the acclaim that this movie is getting, it's just an average movie with Sam Jackson. I was surprised of how much the movie gave his character solo screen time, because in the trailer it seemed like the entire movie was just from the viewpoint of the neighbors.

298. Ghost Town (2008)
Other Means
This is the first movie to really capture some of the magic that Ricky Gervais showed in The Office. Overall this movie is really funny, but in the last 40 minutes it really goes for the heart and forgets the comedy somewhat. Overall worth the watch.

294. Towelhead (2007)
Other Means
I really enjoyed this disturbing at times film. Harvey Dent really shines here as always.

295. Seven Pounds (2008)
Other Means
So I remember watching the trailer for this and wondering what the hell is actually going on in the movie. And I was left with the same feeling over 100 minutes into the movie, and then when I found out the twist that puts everything into context, it just wasn't that interesting. This movie is pretty much unwatchable.

296. Religulous (2008)
Other Means
While Bill Maher is pretty funny in this, he does kind of bully people a few times that are so dumb you almost empathize with them. But overall there are quite a few laughs throughout.

293. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
In Theaters
This movie was sooo good, and definitly worth the lengthy run time. After I saw the movie I heard people compare it to Forrest Gump which completely baffled me, the two movies are nothing alike in tone or structure. David Fincher once again gets cinematic gold.

292. Surfer, Dude (2008)
Other Means
I was surprised at how good this movie was, it really got slammed by the press but it a movie so relaxed and semi-wacky that it all works when put together. If you take life too seriously then you probably won't like this movie.

290. Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
In Theaters
I really liked this movie, definitely worth watching. This movie has so much hype around it already I don't want to add to it and then spoil your enjoyment of the movie.

291. Gunnin' for That #1 Spot (2008)
Off On Demand
While this documentary is extremely engaging in the profiles of the top high school basketball players, the documentary is built around the game they play on THE court in Harlem. But the doc features way too much in game footage, it's boring compared to the actual profile of the players. This is good, but flawed.
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