Rating: 7/10
Review: I got to catch an advanced screening of this movie a few days ago and I went in expecting the worse because the trailers promoting the movie have been pretty terrible. But I'm glad to report that I found the movie really funny, it's so un-pc though that it's probably going to slammed in the reviews because it will make people really uncomfortable but definitely worth the watch.105. Tekkonkinkreet (2006)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Amazing animation, but honestly the plot left me a little cold. One of the few times that I thought an animated movie was too long. I really like the vast majority of the ideas though that the movie encapsulates.104. Blue Collar (1978)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Paul Schrader's directorial debut is a low key working man's heist movie. It's was refreshing to see Richard Pryor in a dramatic role and Yahet Kotto a year before he shot Alien. Movie drags a bit but overall movie has good chore character development.103. Black Death (2010)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Good but brutal movie that goes great with watching the current
season of Game of Thrones. There was a little more torture and
dismemberment in this than I was expecting.102. Holy Rollers (2010)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Average movie that was executed well on the small budget they must have had for this movie.101. Sound of Noise (2010)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Clever heist movie that has a wacky cadre of characters that comes off as more serious than the movie's tone because everyone is German. Charming movie that I could see Hollywood doing a remake of, but the original is just fine for me.100. Centurion (2010)

Rating: 6/10
Review: Held my interest because I've been watching anything with Michael Fassbender in it. But while watching this all I really wanted to do was put the HBO series Rome on again.99. Tiptoes (2003)

Rating: 5/10
Review: Came across this because of a recent Peter Dinklage interview
about it and one of my favorite podcast "How Did This Get Made?" also
chose to feature this movie on it's most recent podcast. Um so yea,
it's exactly as awful as you would expect a movie that features Matthew
McConaughey with a little person brother played by Gary Oldman. So many
things wrong with this movie it's hard to get into, it really does feel
like it was made a good a decade earlier than the release date of
2003. Only worth watching if you revel in watching terrible movies.98. Spriggan (2001)

Rating: 5/10
Review: Had been told this was a good ultra violent anime, but it just bored me to tears.97. Haywire (2011)

Rating: 8/10
Review: I'm a sucker for anything Soderbergh directs and he has been on a
hot streak, so I'm biased but I really enjoyed the subtlety of the movie.96. Crude: The Real Price of Oil (2009)

Rating: 7/10
Engaging doc about the environmental effects felt by the people that
actually live around the oil refineries after they have become long dormant.95. The Breakfast Club (1985)

Rating: 5/10
Review: I hated every character is this movie, I guess
this was a product of the times and really has to put into context but
really I couldn't be bothered. Love the portrayal of weed making one of
the characters a raging maniac that shatters a glass door by screaming,
yet another film that portrays an acid trip when characters smoke.94. Being Elmo (2011)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Engaging behind the scenes documentary showing the growth of the Elmo character through the years and Kevin Clash's personal story and interactions with Jim Henson. After watching this I'm primed for someone to try a feature length doc on Henson himself.93. The War Room (1993)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Having seen clips of this on TV over the years I
had always wanted to watch this in one unbroken stretch and I'm really
glad I did because this is just as good any other Pennebaker documentary
I've seen. Doc focuses on the nuts and bolts of a campaign and how to
run it instead of a portrait of the candidate which would have been the
more traditional way of doing this documentary.92. Shame (2011)

Rating: 8/10
Review: Watching this back to back with Hunger really allowed me to take in perceived style of director Steven McQueen. I really enjoy his lengthy takes that aren't gimmicky like other new directors would make of it, each scene that runs with an extended take really adds to the characters development.91. Hunger (2008)

Rating: 8/10
The middle of the film features a 30 minute scene of dialogue that is
brilliant because of the extremely long take it really allows the actors
to breathe life into the scene, it was the high point of the film and
was worth getting through this brutally difficult watch for that scene. 90. The Courier (2012)

Rating: 5/10
Review: The only reason why i gave this movie a chance
is because the director did the amazing Paradise Now, but its seems like
he completely sold out just to get an english language movie made
because I don't think he brothered reading the script. Total waste of
time.89. The Secret of Arrietty (2010)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Anime take on the Borrowers story. I never liked the live action film that came out in the 90's and this is finally a properly done take on the story.88. The Illusionist (2010)

Rating: 8/10
Review: Extremely well animated film with a minimal amount of dialogue,
but that doesn't mean there is a lack of story at all but its told
through physical actions rather than dialogue. Can't recommend it
enough but definitely watch the Blu-Ray if you get a chance because the
animation really comes alive with the extra resolution.87. Five Deadly Venoms (1978)

Rating: 6/10
I had been sold that this was a great kung fu mystery movie, but even
with the additional of the different fighting styles this movie didn't
really hold my interest at all.86. Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)

Rating: 6/10
This was the only Miyazaki film that i hadn't seen yet and I guess I
had too high a bar set for this movie because nothing happens for the
first 3/4ths of the movie and then it wraps up nicely, but its slow
going until the ending that i probably would have turned it off if not
for the Miyazaki connection.85. Starship Troopers (1988)
Rating: 7/10
This anime adaptation is something I had been looking for since reading
the book as a teen, while the plot is very slow, it's the most faithful
adaption of the novel that has been done so far. The only gripe I have
is that the aliens are not designed well at all, that's the only thing
that the live action film does better.84. Spirit: Stallion of The Cimmarron (2002)

Rating: 6/10
This movie would easily get two more points on my rating scale if this
didn't include the soul grating singing of Bryan Adams, it really makes
the movie feel a good decade older than it is. Animation is well done
for the time period featuring a combination of CG and traditional cell
animation that doesn't clash thankfully.83. Pocket Money (1972)

Rating: 5/10
Review: This movie never lives up to the pairing of these two cinema icons, what a wasted effort.82. 9 (2009)

Rating: 7/10
Well written post apocalyptic tale told from the point of view of
reconstituted sock puppets about how machines took over the world.
Great voice cast assembled for this one.81. The Secret of Kells (2009)

Rating: 8/10
Amazingly well done animation really pops off the screen and the story
is engaging enough to help rather than hinder the animation style.80. Turn Me On, Dammit (2011)

Rating: 7.5/10
The first honest portrayal of teenage female sexuality that I've seen
recently, I don't think this could be made in the same frank way in
America without it getting vilified as pornography by the intellectual
elites that decide societal discourse in the media.79. Forbidden Games (1952)

Rating: 7/10
Review: Moving portait of a misplaced child during wartime that really gets the punches across in it's 80 minute run time.78. The Darkest Hour (2011)

Rating: 5/10
I put this on because I wanted to see Joel Kinnaman (cast as Robocop in
the new reboot) in a feature because I've enjoyed his work in AMC's The
Killing, but he doesn't really have much of a presence in this movie.
Moscow certainly looks great though.77. Lone Star (1996)

Rating: 8/10
Catching up on John Sayles' backlog of movies. This is easily the best
feature of Sayles that I've seen so far, the transitions from past to
present are so well done and all are practical effects that it really
helps the movie flow extremely well and this is clearly Sayles showing
how much command of narrative he had achieved at this point in his
career. As I watch more of Sayles backlog I may change my mind but this
is his best film that I've seen so far.76. Young Adult (2011)

Rating: 5/10
Review: I hated Charlize Theron's character so much in this movie that I didn't care about the second half of the film.75. Brother From Another Planet (1984)

Rating: 6/10
Catching up on John Sayles' backlog of movies. This features quite a
few of the stable of actors that Sayles used throughout his career
including David Strathairn and Joe Morton. This is more of a nice
addition to his stable of films rather than a main focus.74. Eight Men Out (1988)

Rating: 7/10
Catching up on John Sayles' backlog of movies. Well done depiction of
the throwing of the 1919 World Series, in the movie there is particular
note given about how little the players are getting payed allowing for
insurgence of corruption. And then the players who did decide to throw
the game got stiffed on the payday also. Best period baseball movie
I've seen in awhile.73. Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (2011)

Rating: 7/10
Brad Bird makes his live action feature debut here to great effect, the
sandstorm sequence and the other scenes in Dubai are extremely well
crafted. I didn't really feel like a forth go around for this franchise
was needed but to my surprise there was still some fun to be had.72. Wizards (1977)

Rating: 5/10
The graphic novel this is adapted from has an iconic cover that i came
to know well growing up going to comic book coventions through my
childhood. But time has not been kind to film, the animation leaves
alot to be desired and the way the plot of the graphic novel is diffused
for this really doesn't hold my interest. There's way too much footage
of walking armies that has been rotoscoped into the movie, it felt like
I was watching a series of loops.