Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay Unrated (2008)Other MeansThis movie takes the high road of low brow humor if that's possible, because it has low brow humor but it doesn't insult your intelligence getting there. This is basically a plot point for plot point recreation of the first movie but with new stuff added in, to make it more hilarious than the first film. I just felt weird about the ending that was on this, it’s all soft and is a dramatic tonal shift from the rest of the movie.

The Mutant Chronicles (2008)Other MeansSo the cut I watched has labeled by some people as a rough cut, but I've watch quite a few rough cuts and none of the trademark scene missing cards or missing computer effects were here, this seemed like a final cut. With that in mind, I would bet you money this will never see a theatrical release, at least not this current edit. The entire movie looks cheaply done, in line with other direct to video movies that I've seen, but it would stand above some of the sci-fi channel original features that I flip by from time, but that isn't saying much. This movie's script is aweful, with this cast they could have put a little more effort in, alot of wasted talent on this film. I'd don't see anyway this movie can be saved with any amount of editing and special effects.

The Love Guru (2008)Other MeansSo when a movie is universally hated as this movie was when it came out I kind of had to check it out to see what all the fuss was about. And for a movie that was labeled as a comedy this movie doesn’t have any laughs in it, it’s painful to sit through because so many of the jokes Mike Myers turns to the screen and smiles as if the movie needed a laughter break, but there aren’t enough laughs to need a break from them. Jessica Alba’s lighting in every scene looks like a photo shoot for a model, I don’t even think she believed the dialogue she was reading.
Penelope (1966)Off DVR, Shown on Turner Classic Movies (widescreen, uncut)This is a vanity vehicle for Natalie Wood because the script is so bland and uninspiring the only thing worth watching this for is Wood's many costume changes and Peter Faulk's bewilderment as to why he signed on to such a dumbly scripted project.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)In TheatersWith this movie it's clear that the success of Pan's Labyrinth has given Del Toro more clout to do what he wants with Hellboy. The first movie is really just a sketch piece compared to how fully fleshed out this movie is. Lots of comic relief is also included in the film provided mostly by Hellboy. The practical and computer creature effects in this movie are seamless, never was there a moment where I was taken out of the movie by fake looking effects. This is the smart action movie that blockbusters wish they could be, I just hope this does well at the box office so that studios will be convinced to go out on a limb again. Highly Recommended Viewing
- Hellboy 2 sidenote:
So both The Mummy 3 and Hellboy 2 feature plots that involve gaining control of giant armies for mass destruction, I'm going to go out on a limb and crown Hellboy 2 the official "gain control of massive armies for destruction" champion of the summer
Anamorph (2007)Other MeansNow the one aspects of this movie that set it apart from every other serial killer movie every made was the aspect of anamorphism, which was not utilized enough in the movie. Willem Dafoe plays the typical neat freak OCD case detective in here, Scott Speedman sucks as usual. Fortunately Dafoe is the main character and we spend almost the entire film just with him, still this movie didn't shed bring any new material to the serial killer movie.

The Savages (2007)Other MeansFor some reason I skipped this during the push for awards season, but Phil Hoffman and Laura Linney work extremely well together as expected, this is about a reality that all of us will have to deal with as we get older and caring for our parents, but it's not something I really want to be thinking about for years. A must see if you enjoy watching these actors if other projects they were in.
The Wackness (2008)In TheatersIf ever there was a movie made for an audience of one (me)it was this, the main character is name Luke and he deals pot and listens to almost exclusively hip-hop and lives in NYC. The film takes place in 1994, so all the hip-hop that is on the soundtrack I grew up listening to on rotation. I can't really speak for who this movie will effect other people but this movie was made for me and I was pleasantly surprised that this movie was exactly the film that the trailer was selling and that is definitely a good thing. Highly Recommended Viewing

Tropa de Elite (2007)Other MeansSo City of God was Rio from the point of view of the people and drug dealers who live in the favellas but here the main characters are the squad of police who help out other police units when they are in trouble which is really often. We get really in depth into the recruitment and training process for the BOPE, which includes typical frat boy type hazing to be indoctrinated into BOPE. This movie shows the inner turmoil that the police force go through while trying to keep people safe, this is for the cops that are corrupt, but the movie shows that if they aren't corrupt and try to catch everyone, then innocent people die in the gun fire of trying to apprehend them so it's a catch 22 for the police that are honest. Highly Recommended Viewing.

Kansas City (1996)Off DVR, Shown on IFC (widescreen, uncut)For years I had wanted to see this movie because I wanted to find out what Robert Altman had done with this, but it turns out all he did was make a terrible movie. I'm pretty sure this is the worst Altman movie that I've seen, and it's not for the usual Altman reasons, there's isn't any improve and the script is stilted and the plot poorly written. The only saving grace of the movie is Harry Belafonte's part, but his scenes are often edited poorly taking away from his performance.

The Girl in the Park (2007)Other MeansSo any movie starring Sigourney Weaver is automatically going to get my interest because she doesn't act that often, he she shares the story with Kate Bosworth and while this movie isn't bad it just has unrealistic characters reactions to situations. While that hampers the movie but overall I did like this movie.